+971 50 610 8635 tranquiltouchae@gmail.com


Body Work 


Awaken your senses with the deeper whispering sensory meridian response breathe, increase your ability to feel with sensitive touch, activate your potential energy with energetic point activation, express the sensitivity and feel the happiness from your inner space and integrate it to your mind, connecting with your consciousness and surrender to the most sublime experience of healing hug and brain orgasm. Energetic orgasm and Kundalini rising. Rise and increase your vital energy and express the bliss of cuddle therapy.

Respiratory Techniques Training 

Aimed at patients with obstructive diseases (COPD). The main symptom of this disease is dyspnea, and consequently, patients reduce their activity progressively, with the loss of activity, they also lose independence, which leads to a deterioration in quality of life.
Respiratory muscle training: inspiratory
MMSS training: with the aim of increasing exercise tolerance, reducing dyspnea and having greater global body coordination
Bronchial hygiene techniques: ElPr (prolonged slow expiration), ELTGOL (total slow expiration to open glottis in DL), EDIC (controlled inspiratory output exercises)
Ventilatory reeducation techniques: thoracic mobilizations, directed ventilations + pursed lips

Yoga Assisted 

Is an assisted yoga technique where the one who receives surrenders completely so that the therapist can perform the movements and stretches of yoga, accompanied by breathing techniques.

The Ritual Massage

In The Ritual massage, practitioners often emphasize a holistic approach that includes both, physical and energetic aspects. The massage may involve gentle touch, typically encourages mindfulness, deep breathing, and the conscious exchange of energy between the participants. It often involves the entire body, promoting a sense of unity and connection. While it can have therapeutic benefits, such as stress reduction and increased relaxation, it’s essential to approach the ritual massage with an open mind to be able to integrate sensitive, energetic touches, feel the subtle movement of energy and awaken the deep senses.

TAO Healing


TAO Healing Therapy is a holistic approach to healing that incorporates principles and practices from the tradition Tao energetic body work. It is designed to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here’s what it generally involves:

– Energy Balancing: Tao healing therapy often focuses on balancing and harmonizing the body’s energy centers or chakras. Practitioners work to remove blockages and promote the free flow of energy throughout the body.
– Breathwork: is a fundamental aspect of Tao healing. Specific breathing techniques are used to increase awareness, relaxation, and to circulate energy throughout the body.
– Bodywork: Tao healing may involve various forms of bodywork, such as massage, to release tension, promote relaxation, and enhance sensitivity to touch.
– Meditation and Mindfulness: Meditation and mindfulness practices are integral to Tao healing. These techniques help individuals become more present and in tune with their own bodies and sensations.
– Spiritual Connection: Tao healing therapy often encourages a sense of spiritual connection or oneness with the universe. It may involve visualization for connecting with divine energies.
– Emotional Release: Emotional healing is a key component. The therapy may involve techniques to release and process unresolved emotions and traumas.
– Enhanced Intimacy: In some cases, Tao healing therapy is used to improve intimacy connection in relationships. It emphasizes communication, trust, and presence in deep emotional connection experiences.
– Personal Growth: Tao healing is seen as a path of personal growth and self-discovery. It aims to help individuals realize their full potential and live a more fulfilling life.

Cuddle Therapy

The art of embracing with love, transmitting energy of trust, exchanging emotions, transmuting pain into pleasure, sadness into joy. Feel the human warmth through the healing embrace. Express deep emotions and get rid of the heavy loads accumulated in the muscles. Feel the pleasure of peace and stillness of mind.
It helps in reducing stress because the body releases oxytocin whenever you cuddle.
It benefits your heart’s health as cuddling leads to low blood pressure and low stress levels.
It also helps you in relieving your pain.
It helps in dealing with depression and anxiety.
It enables you to express yourself better.
Increase your ability to feel and to give.

Express your authenticity.

 Ritual of Exotic


A full-body therapeutic pressure with soft music, low lighting, a feeling of tranquility it’s bliss. But what most people don’t know is that while you might be in a state of total relaxation your body is going into full activation mode during a session. Stimulates your nervous system; wakes up your muscles, organs, and glands; moves blood and lymph fluid, and gets multitudes of cells to produce and release chemicals and hormones.

Nui Hawaiian


The Nui, also called Lomi Lomi is a deep, fluid and rhythmic massage. The masseur uses both the hands and the forearms, being able to cover larger areas and allowing a firm and controlled massage, thanks also to the application of abundant coconut oil.


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Dubai, UAE


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+971 585122481